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Putnam Moore was the child of Sally Moore and the fourth legal owner of Nat Turner. He was approximately x years of age when he officially took possession of Turner around 1827. Putnam Moore was killed at the start of the 1831 rebellion. The following document from 1833 lists his legal possessions at his death.


Original Document

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Account of Putnam Moore, May 20, 1833


[p. 80] The Estate of Putnam Moore dec 8


            In Account with Henry Moore



To expenses to Richmond on behalf of the Estate            5.00

3          To paid Dr. LL Beckman                                            1.50

“”         [illegible]                                                                     1.14

Dec 22 By Sales Negro Sucy                                                   “”                                              170.25

            “”         Olive                                                                “”                                              171.00

            “”         Lousia                                                              “”                                              127.00

            “”         Anarchy                                                           “”                                              135.00


Nat and Moses condemned by the Court for insurrection and appraised to       “”        675.00

To comp. $1278.25                                                     63.91  


[p. 81] To paid R…                                                      7.50

“”         W.L. Parker Att[orne]y                                  20.00

“”         R.H. Baker Att[orne]y                                    5.00

“          Com[mission] fee retained                          2.00

“          Clerks duties                                                  1.12

Balance due the Estate                                             1171.18

                                                                                    1278.25           1278.25


By Balance due the Estate                                                                  1171.18


With Interest from this 3rd day of April 1832 till paid on $641.25 and on $529.83 from Sept 15th 1832

till paid                                                                                                Reportedly submitted

Com[mission] fee $2 so changed to the att[orney]                            Jere Cobb [illegible]


At a Court held for the county of Southampton on the 20th day of May 1833

This Account [illegible] and [illegible] record of Henry Moore’s administration on the State of Putnam Moore deed having been deceased for more than two months and no exceptions being taken this deed confirmed and ordered to be recorded


[illegible] James Rochelle [illegible]


Will Book 11, Southampton County, Virginia, 1832-1837: Pg. 80-81



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