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Richmond Constitutional Whig,

September 26, 1831




                        Southampton, Jerusalem, Sept. 17, 1831.


The Ladies of Southampton, having in a great measure recovered from the shock, caused by the unexampled butcheries lately perpetrated in their county, seize the earliest opportunity of returning their thanks to the different volunteer companies throughout our State, and sister State North Carolina, who gallantly came forward to defend them. Regretting the priva- [p. 90] tions which all of them suffered, they will ever cherish the most lively gratitude for their services. To the officers, themselves, and to the troops from Fortress Monroe, they also respectfully tender their thanks—and with feelings of kindness, promise never to forget the gallant seamen, with their commander, who, just from a long and tedious cruise, lost no time in coming to their assistance.



From Henry Irving Tragle, The Southampton Slave Revolt of 1831: A Compilation of Source Material (Amherst, MA: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1971), pp. 89-90.

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