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     Norfolk & Portsmouth Herald, January 1, 1830


     Committed to the jail of Norfolk Borough on the first

                                                       day of August last as a runaway, a Negro Man who

                                                       states his name is SAMUEL HORN, and that he was born

                                                       free in the county of Northampton state of North

                                                       Carolina and was sold to pay his taxes, to one Batt

                                                       Peterson of the state of Georgia, from whom he

                                                       runaway about 4 years since. Samuel is about 28 years

                                                       of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, light complexion; says he is

                                                       well acquainted with Col. Carter Jones and William

                                                       Moody of the above County. The owner of the above

                                                       Negro if any, is requested to comply with the law in

                                                       such cases, [o]therwise he will be disposed of as the law


                                                                                  N. CURRIER, Jailor, N.B.

                                                       Oct. 1

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