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Letter from William W. to Governor Floyd


                                                                                                                        Norfolk,  Feb. 26th, 1835




                 Mr. Ferrall, a worthy member of the Police of this Borough, wished me to send you the enclosed certificate of Miles King Esq. Ferrall has heard that a reward was offered by the Executive of Virginia, for the apprehension of the negro man, Boson, named in the certificate, + upon application to the Court of Sussex Co. for an order, wherewith he could receive said reward, he was informed by the court that a certificate from the mayor of Norfolk was alone necessary for that purpose.


                 Boson was brought here + offered for sale to Mr. Hatcher, who, doubting the right of the vendor, did not pay to [illegible] asked for the negro at the time he took possession of him, but directed the owner to call again for payment. Hatcher at once lodged the negro in the jail of this Borough as his slave. The man did not call for payment, but hastily left the Borough. The negro, on being strictly questioned, confessed that he had been condemned to be hung, as being engaged in the late insurrection with Nat Turner, + that he had escaped from the jail of Sussex Co. This confession was made in the presence of Ferrall, who forthwith reported the case to the mayor.

                                                                        With great respect,

                                                                                                         your obt. Servt.

                                                                                                          Wm. W. Sa

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