National Response
Robert M. Bird, Aug. 27, 1831
Charleston Mercury, Aug. 29-30
Fredericksburg Arena, Sept. 9
NY Journal of Commerce, Sept. 10
Niles Register, Sept. 10
Richmond Enquirer, Sept. 12
New Orleans Bee, Sept. 15
NY Daily Sentinel, Sept. 17
Albany Argus, Sept. 22
Alexandria Gazette, Sept.
Ohio State Journal, Oct. 20
Richmond Enquirer, Nov. 30
Liberator, Sept. 3, 1831
W.L. Garrison, Sept. 8
Liberator, Sept. 24
Worcester Spy, Sept.
Liberator, Oct. 1
African Sentinel, Oct. 1
James Forten, Oct. 20
Liberator, Oct. 29
The Richmond Enquirer,
November 30, 1831
Yesterday’s morning mail brings us the New Orleans Emporium of the 19th – twelve days from the Press! It states that during the first six days of the session, the Legislature had elected George A. Waggaman, a friend of Mr. Clay, to the Senate of the U.S…-2nd, that they had passed the act of prohibit, with some exceptions, the introduction of slaves into Louisiana – 3d that they had appropriated $20,000 to arm and equip the Volunteer Militia of the State; and 4th, they had adopted a memorial, “addressing the National Legislature, respecting the Lands acquired by the inhabitants of the State under the government of France and Spain, and which had recently been sold by our government, as Public Lands.
The New Orleans Advertiser of the 17th states, the “The number of slaves brought to this city since the 21st October, the time the ordinance relative to the introduction of slaves was passed up to yesterday noon, is 1327. Previous to the 21st October, between four and five hundred had been brought in….”.
Henry Irving Tragle, The Southampton Slave Revolt of 1831: A Compilation of Source Material (Amherst, MA: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1971), 150.