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Richmond Compiler, Sept. 3, 1831
Southampton Insurrection, 1900
North Carolina
Edenton Gazette, Aug. 31, 1831
National Intelligencer, Sept. 19
South Carolina
Charleston Courier, Oct. 4, 1831
Charleston (South Carolina) Courier,
October 4, 1831
As many idle and unfounded reports, from Checaw, Pee Dee, and Georgetown, have been in circulation for two or three days past, it may be proper to state, that official letters were received in town yesterday, by the proper authorities, stating that there was not the least foundation whatever, for these various exaggerated statements, and that all was quiet, in the various places above named.
Eric Foner, editor, Nat Turner (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1971), 65.
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