Richmond Compiler, Sept. 3, 1831
Southampton Insurrection, 1900
North Carolina
Edenton Gazette, Aug. 31, 1831
National Intelligencer, Sept. 19
South Carolina
Charleston Courier, Oct. 4, 1831
North Carolina: Governor Montfort Stokes (NC) to Governor James Hamilton (SC), November 18, 1831
[something about this source – find it in Foner, pp. 64-5]
I have this day received your favour of the 14th Inst; on the subject of the late disturbances among the slaves, and as you request a speedy reply I lose not a moment in answering it.
There has been no insurrection of slaves in North Carolina. After the insurrection in Southampton County in Virginia, there existed much excitement in the lower counties of this state, adjoining the Virginia line, and many negroes were arrested and imprisoned upon charges for conspiracy. But in that section of the state, the whole of these suspected slaves have been discharged for the want of proof of their guilt.
In the South Eastern counties on Cape Fear and Pedee Rivers about ten or twelve negroes have been convicted for conspiracy to raise an insurrection, and most of them have been executed. I have no doubt, but the news of the Virginia insurrection prompted the restless and unruly among the slaves, in a few instances, to make a similar attempt in this state; but nothing like a concerted or extensive plan has been discovered; and, I am afraid, that among the negroes condemned and executed, some, who were innocent, have suffered. I am led to this conclusion from the circumstance, that in places, where the excitement had subsided, the prisoners were all acquitted. . . .
I am, sir, your obed. servt.
M. Stokes