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The Edenton Gazette and North Carolina General Advertiser, December 14, 1819

50 Dollars Reward

RUNAWAY from Simon Turner's Esq.[Esquire] of this county, on Monday evening the 15 ult. a Negro Man, named


He is about 20 or 25 years of age, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, quite black, fond of spirituous liquors, and is apt to get drunk, rather a down look when spoken to: his clothing I knew very little of; nor am I acquainted with any marks he may have about him, as I very recently purchased him of William Norfleet, of Northampton county. He has a wife in or near Windsor, and is probably lurking in the neighborhood of that place, or gone to Edenton. I will give the above reward to any person who will deliver said fellow to me, or secure him in any jail so that I can get him again.--All persons are forwarned from harboring, employing, or carrying him off at their peril.

William Britton.

Britton's Store, Bertie county

Dec 4, 1819



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