Raleigh Register and North Carolina Weekly Advertiser, January 16, 1829
Runaway Negro.
RANAWAY from Capp's Gold Mine, Mecklenburg County, N.C. on the 18th of Aug. last, a Negro man named Nicodemus--about 29 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, dark complexion, with a scar on one of his cheeks, as well as recollected on the left. He took with him a large grey Mare, 16 or 17 hands high, with a switch tail. Said Negro has been traced from Charlotte to Torrence's X Roads on the Statesville Road; thence through Salisbury to Greensborough, passing himself by different names--and was advertised in the Register of 12th Sept. (through an error of the writer,) by the name of Dennis. It is expected he has gone to the neighborhood in which he was raised, which is supposed to be near Tarborough or Halifax-- He said he was raised by a Mr. Powell. Any person securing him in jail, and giving information so that we may get him again, shall be reasonably rewarded.
Mount Mourne, Iredell County,
December 31st, 1828